Thursday 28 February 2013


今学期は デジタルストーリーテリング課題があります。

これは 私の提案です。

1. メッヤージはなんですか。

I would like to share the story of how a bunch of young people work hard to fight for the opportunity to perform on stage. Through this story i hope that everyone would understand that every success need some sacrifices, and most of the time our sacrifices will ensure our success.

2. だれにみせたいですか。

This story is to share with everyone who like to know how is the life of a performers.

3. なにをつかいますか。

I will use music, video, and photos as media to share my story.

In the video there might have some short interview with the participants to understand their thought and feeling better.

4. ひとりでしますか?ともだちとしますか。

I will do this alone.


Tuesday 26 February 2013



みなさんの休みは どうでしたか?楽しいですか?



クラブ活動ちょっと忙しい、試合と演出も 最近があります。
